woensdag 3 april 2013

Review liposuction of the thighs

This report is more negative than positive. And that is probably at least partly my own fault!

I had, of course, bought a Groupon voucher worth 600 euros. I wanted to do something to my "worst nightmare" my gruesome thighs.
If you want to buy a pants or skirt it's never the right size. The waistband is always open, to big because of your thighs. You have to  buy a bigger size than is actually good for your waistline. I find it tragic that you have to walk around so many years with this problem.  The worst thing is that that stuff that you carry on your legs is moving. It wobbles cozy while you walk along. By the pool you actually prefer to lie flat with your knees slightly bent because your legs appear slimmer that way..
So you can imagine how happy I was with my coupon and the appointment was made for the intake. I went with the blush of shame to the Laser esthetic
You understand that you don't enter this salon with a lot of attitude. The people there are all slim and intimidating. At least our consulent was  nice. I asked her "Will my skin fit around my legs or will it be too big? "According to her my skin would be ok. Maby a little too big but not so much. I made an appointment later that month Of course, i had to pay 1000 euro extra for the treatment and 100 euro for a pants corset. All together is would cost me 1700 euro... After entering I got already some sedation and then I was brought to the doctor. He mentioned me that my skin wouldn't bounce back, it would stay a little too big.  That scared me because I had asked this question before and the answer was no.  But then you're already numb and just go through .
The treatment, I felt through sedation but it was doable. I drove home with my friend and've stuck strictly to the rules. Wearing the corset as long as it was needed and it healed quickly. My legs were a lot thinner but my skin was indeed much broader, or more accurately, my skin was not shrunk. After  six months, I started to get a kind of lumps in my legs In my one leg worse than in my other leg. And that was the moment that I had to go back to that clinic.
I haven't done this!
I haven't given the clinic a chance to explain what the problem was or, if possible, to restore the problem I just didn't dare, I still felt ashamed of my body.
Mitigating factor for me:They were not really so concerned.  I've also had no memory from them to come back after six months.
So despite the fact that I'm not completely satisfied about the form and I don't understand why I have those bumps, my pants size is now more  "normal". But that unsatisfied feeling isn't going to leave. Please note: I will not give the clinic the fault of something! They might have clarified or repair it but I never gave them the chance.
What are your experiences? Please share them with me.
+plastic surgery +injectables +botox

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